The cfwriterz platform is honoured to present awardees for the month of January. As a way to recognize literary prowess, we have a monthly award section that applauds creativity, style, elegance and diversity. We have awards in the Fiction, Nonfiction and Poetry categories. Writers are required to participate in the cfwriterz facebook community challenge and winners are presented every month. Below are winners for the month of January.
In the Fiction Category:
- Charles Kadib
In the Non-Fiction Category:
Poetry Category:
- Sonibare Kayode Sho.
- Kolade Kabir Olawale Adele
- Saddam Ninhor
- Kola Onifoto
- River Jordan
These are authors we think you should follow on this platform. They have shown us what it means to write with soul. Happy new month and we look forward to a stiffer competition in February.