Regeneration is the second issue of CONSCIO MAGAZINE published by Authorpedia in May 2021. Kukogho Iruesiri Samson, the Authorpedia founder, in his announcement talks about the strain of publishing. He has this to say about the process and publishing Regeneration:

“Yesterday I published the second issue of my quarterly literary magazine, CỌ́N-SCÌÒ MAGAZINE, with fellow serial author Oyindamola shoola on the cover (her interview is worth a read). Getting this second issue out, after a quite successful maiden edition, was much harder than I expected. Combining the demands of a challenging 9-5 and my thriving publishing company with managing a submission drive for the magazine as well as motivating my editors was almost too much. I contemplated calling it quits. But I did not, thankfully.”

He comments on the continuity that the conscio magazine hopes to achieve. He says, “REGENERATION is a fitting followup to Issue 1 — THE LOCKDOWN. It offers poems, essays, stories, photographs and art that are full of light and hope, active ingredients for the medicine our world direly needs.”

Each essay, each line, each poem, each art, reflects on the period of isolation and limitations that came with the lock-down. The pain. The fight for survival. The loneliness. The distortion in our approach to life. Most importantly, it offers deep insight into the diverse strategies that people have sought in the journey to recovery.

The editorial note mentions that “…this issue offers poems, essays, stories, photographs and art that tell, in creative expressions, of resilence of humans: they show how humanity is healing from the effects of the coronavirus lockdown which brought prolonged isolation and socio-economic strains”.

The interview and the cover feature come with even more energy, spotlighting Oyindamola Shoola, cofounder of the Sprinng Literary Movement/Fellowship. In her reflection on the impact of sexism in Nigeria, she says:

“In Nigeria, we don’t talk about how historical sexism affects women’s progress in education, writing, and literature. We talk about how colonialism has affected the country or set it back from other nations, but when it comes to women in the publishing industry, we often expect that they will be at the same level as men, and if they aren’t, then it is their fault.”

The creative expressions are filled with carefully distilled ideas and conversation drivers.

Check the Authorpedia download page to read her interview and lots of other exciting literary works from emerging African writers.