Itanile is a literary brand that provides a platform for African writers to publish stories they want to tell about the African experience. We are committed to developing new audiences for African literature. We provide a storytelling platform that connects African writers with their readers

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We’ve hosted and led impact-driven creative and literary projects through collaborative effort. Our global community is always growing to reach more and do more.


Showing 19–21 of 92 results

  • The writers in this issue have taken the decision to shape the dialogue of the day by continuing to write. In doing so, these writers have opened new doors to all sorts of conversations about everyday living. They have also given us stories that make us gasp delightedly, cry and laugh. Such was my experience reading them. Through the stories, I was reminded of our shared humanity. I was also prompted to remember our complexities as humans. In the end, I found myself gaining fresh perspectives.

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    “The More You Look” is a compendium of very beautifully written African plays designed to shoot you to the moon and possibly leave you stranded there.

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  • Amirah Al Wassif is an eye-opener. Her poetry pulls no punches – a vision of a world turned on its head, through no fault of those who must reside there. These are the words of one who has experienced more than her age would indicate.

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This story is inspired by true life events. It was the early 1940’s, the air was thick with dew and the ground beneath flush with vegetation. All neighborhoods or most rather, wore the ever-glowing look of home, a feeling every kid should have during their formative...

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The Funeral of a secret agent

Mme Jacques Cartier-Bertrand sat in a daze, her glassy eyes, red and swollen, staring at no one in particular. The salty stream of clear liquid pouring down her face was completely ignored, causing a wet patch on her black Yves Saint Laurent top that she wore. Her...

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I like the way Jerry says my name without really seeing me there. He drawls it out like a silent prayer, like a whisper to a god you know has already answered your prayers, a sigh. "Nesi" "Yes brother" "Get me a cup of Akamu" "Yes brother" "Nesi, take this dirty cup...

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Jide had wondered why everyone seemed to ignore him even before the funeral procession began. He saw all his childhood friends around, moody, teary eyed and refusing to talk. Even Kebiru, the notorious school bully was seen with traces of tears in his face. Was this...

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The Requital

I was in my penultimate year in the university when I first met Jamal. He was seconded from the Police Academy's medical college in an exchange programme. For a policeman, you'd expect a strong, tall and huge build - Jamal was the exact opposite. It must be why he was...

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Love lost

Love Lost They bade her goodbye She bade them good riddance They couldn't wait till she got back She couldn't wait till she left They counted the hours till the reunion She counted the hours till boredom She called every  month Then the day came When they realized She...

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After School-2

It was 6:23 pm, and he was still on his work desk. Life and work balance has been a mirage so far for him. He has to slave, if he wants to eat. “Yusuf, the presentation should be ready before 7 am tomorrow. I cannot fall behind schedule, you know this is very...

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