Itanile LitMag



When merry morn did grace my soul's abode, I held within the sun's embrace the bliss, Of naked beams, of grace, of hope bestowed, In beauty's palm, all wrapped in tender kiss. At dawn's sweet call, I rose to greet the day, Like dew upon the humble weed's green blade,...

How to Mend a Broken Mirror

How to Mend a Broken Mirror

Do you know how to mend a broken mirror? It is very delicate work. Time-consuming, attention-demanding. You must be prepared for the little pieces that bruise your fingers, for the waves of doubt that urge you to let them go. You must be prepared for the voices in...

February 18th 2010

February 18th 2010

The smile on my brother’s face ran away with his hope & he is searching through the rising sun, wishing to catch them from the scattered rays. Since the day the insurgency started, he became a walking corpse- digging for a sanctuary. I stripped my ears naked to...

A Rehearsal of Shame

A Rehearsal of Shame

The people in your city are inflated by a need to slash and burn, and you are already a dress unraveling at the seams. The wind will take you like a jester starring in a staged farce, toss you hither, thither, smash you against stolid-faced walls and wrinkled roofs,...

Why Itanile Has Been Quiet

Why Itanile Has Been Quiet

Hi. My name is Damilola Jonathan Oladeji, and I think it's appropriate to let you know who's speaking as you read this release about Itanile. A few years ago, I had a vision that African literature and writing should be promoted using all the tools that the internet...

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