Itanile is a literary brand that provides a platform for African writers to publish stories they want to tell about the African experience. We are committed to developing new audiences for African literature. We provide a storytelling platform that connects African writers with their readers

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We’ve hosted and led impact-driven creative and literary projects through collaborative effort. Our global community is always growing to reach more and do more.


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    The woman beside her was chubby and rounded and the wrappa around her waist was hostile to the brown blouse she wore. Her head-tie was faded beige and had fallen off to the ground. Her head was shaking vehemently in rebuke and her body in total rebuff of surrender. The woman kept on bustling in roars; Obara Jesus! Obara Jesus! with her hands striding in very ridiculous rhythm.

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    When we invited writers for this Issue, submissions of any theme or genre were welcomed, but especially so for works that explore the concept of journeys through the lenses of travels and tours―what it means to travel, to seek out new places. To write a story or a poem or an essay, writes Garth Greenwell, is to make a claim about what we find beautiful, about what moves us, to reveal a vision of the world, which the writers in this Issue have done with their work.

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Ìrìbọmi            i   you took your eyes off the figurine on the doctor's table &  watched a ball of water dribble down the hill of your mother's face.  she nodded as the doctor read the report in strange tongues.    after the news, you saw your body for what it...

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She is my Abiku

Faruk Alfe's She Is My Abiku was shortlisted for the December 2020 Collins Elesiro Literary Prize. She is a butterfly without wingsAbiku: the storm racing through windsMaiden, folding herself in the swirl of timeA damsel eating through the walls of my heart.She took...

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